we discover ...
Testicular cancer is the most common cancer type for men between the ages of 20 to 45. In Europe there are approximately 25,000 new cases annually, world-wide around 74,000 per year.
The classical tumor markers, which are detected via serological antibody-testing, deliver only very unreliable results due too poor sensitivity and specificity. The patient is often burdened with uncertainty.
During therapy testicular cancer patients have to endure significant amounts of cytotoxic radiation due to CT scans (computer-tomographic scans). The less radio intensive alternative MRT scan on the other hand produces immense costs for the health care system. Considering that a testicular cancer patient must be monitored for up to 10 years after the primary diagnosis (on average nineteen times) which includes 2 to 4 imaging diagnostics (CT or MRT) one realizes the large burden of this path on patient and health care system.
M371, the newly developed method by mir|detect, aims to relieve patient and health care system by offering a diagnostic alternative.
The innovative method detects a testicular cancer specific miRNA in one blood sample. Through preamplification and the widely established method of qPCR the test is a highly efficient and reliable system.
Are you looking for the user manual for our product M371? Video tutorials, product brochures, user manuals, and safety data sheets can be found in the download section. You can access our download section directly through this link.
Classical Marker
Type of Test
Clinical Stage
n = 520 Patients; 250 Controls
Up to this date the largest study investigating the expression of the biomarker miR-371a-3p (miR371a) in connection with testicular cancer/germ cell tumors. The miR371a expression in serum was measured of germ cell tumor (GCT) patients (n=616) and controls (n=258) prospectively. The sensitivity of miR371a for primary diagnosis was 90.1%, the specificity was 94.0%. The miR371a outperforms the combined classical markers in sensitivity (91.8% vs. 60%) as well as for the individual tumor groups. The expression of miR371a is correlated with tumor size. Treatment of the tumor through surgery or chemotherapy leads to a normalization of the biomarker levels. Relapses (n=46) could be detected with 82.6% sensitivity. miR371a levels normalize after relapse treatment.
The team showed through PCR and detection of in-situ expression of miR371a that the microRNA miR371a origins in the tissue of germ cell tumors.
The detected serum expression levels of miR371a dropped to 2.6% of the pre-operative levels only 24 hours after removing the primary tumor. The half-life of the biomarker was determined to 4-7 hours which is significantly shorter than the classical tumor markers. The results show that success after surgery can be determined much faster through miR371a.
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Gold Standard Diagnostics Frankfurt
Waldstraße 23 A6
63128 Dietzenbach
For orders please contact order@goldstandarddiagnostics.eu
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labor team
Blumeneggstrasse 55
9403 Goldach